Coronavirus is arguably the most significant health hazard humanity has faced since the first half of the 20th century. Having that in mind, it is easy to understand why many people have been postponing or even cancelling any engagements that require social interactions. As we all have learned how to adapt to the New Normal, we have seen success in doing many activities that were previously thought to be unsafe at the beginning of the pandemic being accomplished safely.
Moving is consistently ranked as one of the most stressful life events, let alone with the backdrop of Coronavirus. However, moving house in the era of Coronavirus safely and stress-free is possible with some tweaks and changes to the already well-known moving process.
Is Moving in the era of Coronavirus even possible?
The answer is yes. Most moving services and companies are operating under modified rules and regulations. This in itself should be stress-relieving, but make sure to hire a reliable mover that takes you and your loved ones' wellbeing seriously. Do not shy away from asking questions, and make sure you and your moving company are on the same page at all times! Feeling like you are in the safe hands of a responsible moving company will put your mind at ease.
Are in-person showings happening at this time?
The first step of any move is finding your new home. This, however, might seem intimidating during the pandemic, since it requires close contact with a real estate agent, and in some cases, even other potential buyers. It is good to know that open houses are happening – New York City resumed in-person real estate activity in late June, with safety procedures and recommendations in place for safe showings.
A meeting with a real estate agent doesn't have to pose a threat if you follow the Coronavirus health regulations.
Is it possible to rent a moving truck?
Moving truck rentals are considered essential businesses, just like any other transportation service. Most, if not all, larger rental businesses are still operating, so there are many options at your disposal. Be prepared for some changes as to how the business operates, such as over-the-phone or online reservations. Once again, don't be afraid to ask whatever interests you, and make sure you choose a company you feel most comfortable with.
What about the storage services?
Most notable storage companies still provide services at this time. Storage services are an essential part of the moving process. Often, there are too many items to move, and you cannot do it all at once. That's where storage services come in handy. However, moving costs can run pretty high, not even including unplanned expenses. Luckily, storage is not one of the things where you necessarily have to break the bank. There are even ways you can have your storage needs taken care of free of charge!
Is moving during Covid-19 pandemic advisable?
With the property safety procedures and adherence to CDC guidelines followed by all parties involved, moving can be accomplished. Additionally, some moves cannot be postponed, whether for professional, economic, or personal reasons, some moves must take place for individuals. To avoid stress, only hire responsible companies with which you feel comfortable.
Remember do always do what makes you feel most comfortable and safe – your agent should not be pressuring you to make any rapid decisions. We are here to advise you and ensure your real estate transaction is as successful as possible to meet your goals.
Staying healthy during a move
The biggest concern during the Covid-19 pandemic is staying healthy. Continually thinking about the rampaging virus presents can be extremely stressful in itself. The not-so-small moving stress can quickly add up on top of that, and then the stress levels can become overwhelming. Fortunately, many moving companies have employed a safer way to operate during the pandemic. Even so, there are things you can do to ensure your health and wellbeing when relocating during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Social distancing
Minimizing the amount of direct social contact is arguably the best way to stay safe during a move. Moving companies are now offering virtual surveys to provide estimates, instead of in-home ones. This means that your move doesn't have to start with the stress of people visiting your home during these trying times.
Another way to make sure you stay healthy during your move is by keeping a safe distance when in contact with people. The recommended safe distance you should maintain at all times is at least 6 feet.
Wear a mask
This is where unity and mutual care come into play. Standard surgical masks are designed to keep things in, and not out. Since there are many symptomless people, wearing a mask will ensure that you don't infect other people if you are infected. So wearing a mask is not only for yourself but for others too. Being mindful and empathetic during hard times is of great importance.
Wearing a mask not only protects you, but others too.
Thorough cleaning
So far, non-living surfaces do not seem to play as big of a role in Coronavirus transmission as thought at the beginning of the pandemic. However, sanitizing the surfaces that many people come in contact is a recommended best practice and precaution. Using alcohol or any other cleaning product will ensure all possible transmission risks from a particular surface are eliminated. Make sure to use all cleaning products as instructed on the product itself.
Additionally, washing and sanitizing your hands is extremely important. The WHO advises washing your hands thoroughly with soap whenever possible. Also, always make sure to have a hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol on you. Lower alcohol content hand sanitizers don't appear to be as effective. So wash your hands whenever possible, and sanitize your hands whenever you feel it is necessary.
No touching
The virus reaching your mucous membranes is how you get infected by Covid-19. That's why one of the best ways to ensure you remain healthy is to avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or face in general. If you need to, make sure to wash your hands well with warm water and soap beforehand. Wearing latex gloves and removing them beforehand can also be helpful.
Take care of yourself
Moving can be stressful and draining, especially during already stressful times. Lack of proper sleep, nutrition, and high anxiety can take a toll on your immune system, making you susceptible to illness. While it is essential to have your moving budget decided in advance and find a home before taking the leap, make sure you take proper care of yourself and occasionally take time off to relax and have fun.
It does not have to be anything outrageous; there are many fun things to do at home during the pandemic. This might mean planning in advance, starting early, or switching things around occasionally. However, health is the most important thing, and as such, should be preserved. Make sure to eat both enough and well, get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep, get some light exercise, and make time to de-stress and indulge.
Taking care of your mind, as well as your body, is crucial. If you're feeling optimistic and content, everything seems like smooth sailing, no matter what is happening in reality. Thinking about the upsides of the move or simply getting yourself excited over your new living space can help you feel happier and more optimistic. Research color trends for 2021, patterns that are in style for your new living room, or maybe even technological advancements you could implement in your new home.
Keep your mind occupied by planning your new home.
So should I be moving house during the era of Coronavirus?
We’ve been battling the virus for slightly less than a year. Since the beginning, we have all learned a great deal about the virus. And even though there's still so much to learn, we know enough so that we can protect ourselves effectively against the virus. Proactively working on staying healthy, making well-thought-out choices, in combination with positivity and active de-stressing, will make moving house in the are of Coronavirus that much more bearable.