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5 Plants to Grow Indoors for Improved Air Quality

In recognition of Earth Day, we are sharing some fun facts about something all around us…air! This year, we have seen interesting facts on air quality as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic forcing much of the world to come to a halt – images have surfaced of cities that are normally blanketed in smog with some of the highest visibility we have seen in recent years.

Earth Day Air Facts
Air Facts Earth Day

What about indoor air quality? Since Americans spend nearly 90% of their time indoors, healthy, quality air should be a top priority. Controlling Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can start with the HVAC system in your home and be supplemented by room-based air purifiers as well as natural options such as plants.

Having plants around your home can not only make a room look beautiful, but certain plants can actually aide in removing toxins and chemicals from the air including formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene.

5 Purifying Indoor Plants

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Because of the Fiddle Leaf Fig’s extremely broad leaves, it is very efficient at purifying air. The plant can also help control humidity. They do require a lot of sunlight, so be sure to position them appropriately!

Restoration Hardware Fiddle Fig
Spider Plant Best Indoor Plants

Spider Plant

Spider plants are easy to care for, and fun to watch thrive in your home as the offshoots grow and hang over the pot, hence the name spider plant. They do well in indirect sunlight. Note they do not like damp soil so be sure they are drying between watering.

Rubber Tree

These plants have been shown to absorb and break down harmful chemicals in the air. Similar to the Fiddle Fig, their broad leaves make them efficient at doing so. In fact, they take in the carbon dioxide we exhale and convert it into oxygen.

Rubber Tree Indoor Plant
Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera

Follow the succulent trend while cleaning your air with aloe Vera. These easy to care for plants clean the air of benzene and formaldehyde. They prefer a sunny spot to grow. The added benefit of having aloe is that you can use it on your next sunburn.

Dracaena Marginata

Also known as the “Dragon” tree, these plants have been shown to remove 4 out of the 5 major indoor air pollutants. This makes them the perfect plant to improve air quality while adding a fun vibe to your home with the plant’s resemblance to palms. Note they can be toxic to pets

Dragon Tree