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7 Smart Home Features Luxury Buyers Want

Person Holding a Smartphone

Today’s luxury buyers are more and more interested in smart homes. And it’s no surprise when you think of the comfort and security such a home can offer. But with the expanding possibilities of technology, it might be hard to choose what features are worth investing in when you want to put a home on the market. As a result, we conducted some research to determine which smart home features luxury buyers want in their houses.

1.   A smart security system

Safety is something that we would all invest in without blinking. That is why installing a security system in your home has become a must. While older systems include simple functions such as burglary and fire alarms, today’s systems have more upgraded features. Not only do they have better-performing cameras with motion sensors, but they are also easy to control from your mobile phone. You can fully customize and personalize its features with just a few clicks, from the comfort of your home or from a distance. In addition, you can install smart locks, better smoke and carbon dioxide detectors, and a doorbell with a camera. The safer the house is, the higher the chances of selling it on the luxury market.

2.   Energy-efficient lighting

Besides using LED lightbulbs in your home, you can upgrade the whole lighting system and make it more energy-efficient. You can, for example, install light sources that can be controlled from a distance. These lights can detect whether or not you are at home and turn on or off. Moreover, you can even set the lighting according to your mood. Also, you can install lights with motion sensors in areas of the home that are not highly used, such as hallways. For the exterior, you can set up self-charging torches with integrated solar panels. Place them around the pool or along the pathways to transform your outdoor space into an oasis.

A living room with smart home features buyers want

Modern lighting is energy efficient, and it doesn’t require switches. You can control the color, brightness, and intensity of the light in a room from your phone. via

3.   Energy-efficient heating

Another one of the smart home features luxury buyers want is an energy-efficient heating system. Besides being useful for energy saving, you can program such a system to your liking. It can heat the entire house or just one room, and the thermostats can detect when the temperature is just right. You can even program the time when the heating should turn on so that the temperature in your home is perfect when you arrive from work. Furthermore, such a heating system is safer than a traditional one. For example, if there is a gas leak, the built-in sensors will detect it and sound the alarm.

4.   A modern kitchen

The kitchen is the only room in your home that can sell the house by itself. So, if you want to impress luxury buyers, upgrade the kitchen with some smart appliances. It will help you sell your home faster and for a higher price. For example, you can get an oven that can be operated from anywhere, making it simple to preheat it or select the ideal cooking temperature without having to be present. Or a clever cooking robot that can prepare your meal in record time by pushing a single button. That is, after all, why smart appliances are so popular. They are simple to use and make your life easier. And if you need to move the appliances from one location to another, Teddy Moving and Storage specialists can provide valuable advice on safe packing and transporting.

5.   A spa-like bathroom

If you upgrade the kitchen, you should also pay attention to the bathroom. After all, it is the second most important space in your home. It’s the place where you get ready in the morning or relax with a hot bath in the evening. Therefore, making some upgrades to the bathroom is highly recommended if you want to delight your luxury home buyers. For instance, you can install a modern shower cabin with multiple functions. Controllable water pressure, a built-in thermostat that adjusts the temperature of the water, and even an internet connection so you can listen to music while showering, for example. Also, if you have the space and resources, you can install a sauna and a bathtub, where the future owners can take a load off and relax. To take it one step further, install floor heating and adjustable lights.

6.   Smart storage space

A home that has enough storage space is not just smart but is more efficient. Also, it’s a luxury to own one. So, if you have enough room in the house you want to sell, use it to your advantage. Make some walk-in dressing rooms with built-in closets. You can also add adjustable lighting and mirrors to make them more appealing. If the bedroom is large enough, make it worthy of a king and queen. Besides a wide bed with drawers or extra storage space beneath, you can bring in some large closets. In addition, you can place a chest at the end of the bed for storing blankets. And if you need help to move other luxury furniture, you can call in the experts. Professional movers can handle high-level requests with ease. Your valuables will be carefully packed and transported safely to any location.

A walk-in dressing room with some clothes and shoes in.

A walk-in dressing room is one of the best home features you can invest in.

7.   Pet-friendly gadgets

Sometimes, smart home features luxury buyers want in their homes are related to their pets. Therefore, making some upgrades for pets in your home will make your potential buyers happy. You could, for example, have food and water dispensers that could be programmed to discharge their contents at specific times. Or, make a designated play area where they can spend their energy when it’s rainy outside. You can even place some toys that will pick their brain and keep them entertained for hours. A mechanical ball thrower for dogs is a great example. Furthermore, you can install self-cleaning litter boxes that are easy to use and maintain the house’s hygiene.

We all have different perspectives regarding what is considered a luxury and what is not. When it comes to house buyers, however, they must feel like their money was well spent. As a result, investing in smart home features can help you get ahead in the luxury real estate market. So, to have an easy and quick home sale, keep up with the latest luxury house trends.

Should You Invest in Smart Home Technology?

Investing in Smart Home Technology

Thinking of putting your home on the market or looking to make improvements and wondering what area of your home you are likely to see a return on your investment? Investing in Smart Home Technology should be placed near the top of the list. 

A smart house is equipped with any number of devices that can automate tasks normally actioned on by a resident. The Smart Home market has exploded in recent years and includes devices across many different areas of the home such as:

  • Lighting

  • Appliances

  • Speakers

  • Doorbells/Locks

  • Security

  • Cleaning Systems

The Smart Home Industry is projected to reach 135.3 billion globally by 2025, up from 78.3 billion in 2020.t

How valuable is Smart Home Technology? According to a recent survey from Z-Wave Alliance, a consortium of 700 companies that make smart home devices, 91% of real estate agents polled said their Buyers would be willing to pay more for a home outfitted with Smart Home devices and 92% of real estate investor said they are putting money into smart devices to make homes more connected.

With such a variety of smart devices available, what categories are most desirable? 


Security devices are one of the leading categories within the smart home space. They make people feel safe and allow them to monitor their home from anywhere via a smartphone. In fact, approximately 1/3 of people that bought smart devices said they did so to make their home feel safer.


Rather than hiding your spare key in a fake plastic rock, take ease in knowing your home can only be accessed by those you trust. Both you and future buyers will appreciate this smart feature


“Owning a safe and secure home is appealing to every home buyer, from frequent travelers to families,” according to Realty Times. Investing in an alarm system, smoke detectors, and cameras can be big selling points. 

Smart Home Cameras

Energy Efficiency:

Devices to help manage energy efficiency are preferred by Buyers. From lighting and shades to managing the thermostat, the devices help owners run their homes in a more eco-friendly and efficient fashion. Plus, automation allows users to set lights to automatically come on or turn off and run heating/cooling systems on automated schedules.


A Nest thermostat can help reduce electric bills, which can be a great perk for a “green” and frugal buyer. Plus, lower energy bills will help you save up for that dream home you've been eyeing.